
Message Types for Generic Parameters.

Param is a wrapper around a value of primitive (mostly Python builtin) type, with a default. NumberParam has bounds (minimum and maximum). ChoiceParam has its available options. Collection of parameters are expressed as a ParamDict: nestable, str-keyed dict of Params.

GetParamDictReq (get_param_dict()) is usually served by meas nodes, to tell the client about required parameters for a measurement. The client can use param_dict to update the parameter values and pass it in StateReq (change_state()). At the meas node side, it is usually required to unwrap the Params using unwrap().


class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.GetParamDictReq(label: str = '')#

Request to get ParamDict.


Measurement parameter can be reported by using ParamDict.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.ParamDict(dict=None, /, **kwargs)#

Allowed value types for ParamDict


Allowed value types for Raw (unwrapped) ParamDict

Contents of ParamDict is instances of Param. The Param is mutable object; we can get / set the value.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.Param(typ, default, optional: bool, enable: bool, doc: str)#

Base class for all Param types.


Get raw value of this Param.

set(value) bool#

Set value of this Param. Return True on success.

Param has subclasses according to the types.


NumberParam has bounds: minimum and maximum.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.NumberParam(typ, default, minimum, maximum, unit, SI_prefix, digit, step, optional, enable, doc)#

Base class for Param types represents a number.


Get minimum value (lower bound) of this NumberParam.


Get maximum value (upper bound) of this NumberParam.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.IntParam(default: int = 0, minimum=None, maximum=None, unit: str = '', SI_prefix: bool = False, digit: int = 6, step: int = 1, optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of builtin int.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.FloatParam(default: float = 0.0, minimum=None, maximum=None, unit: str = '', SI_prefix: bool = False, digit: int = 6, step: float = 1.0, optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of builtin float.


class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.ChoiceParam(typ, default, options, optional, enable, doc)#

Base class for Param types expressing a choice from finite set options.

options() tuple#

Get available options for this Param.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.BoolParam(default: bool, optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of builtin bool.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.EnumParam(typ: Enum, default, options=None, optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of Enum.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.StrChoiceParam(default, options: tuple[str], optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of selection type of builtin strs.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.IntChoiceParam(default, options: tuple[int], optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of selection type of builtin ints.

Other Param#

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.StrParam(default: str = '', optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of builtin str.

class mahos.msgs.param_msgs.UUIDParam(optional: bool = False, enable: bool = True, doc: str = '')#

Param type of uuid.UUID.


mahos.msgs.param_msgs.unwrap(params: ParamDict[str, Param | ParamDict | List[Param | ParamDict | List[PDValue]]] | dict[str, bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[RawPDValue]]]) dict[str, bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[RawPDValue]]]#

Unwrap the ParamDict to RawParamDict. If params is not a ParamDict, do nothing.

mahos.msgs.param_msgs.isclose(params: ParamDict[str, Param | ParamDict | List[Param | ParamDict | List[PDValue]]] | dict[str, bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[RawPDValue]]], other: ParamDict[str, Param | ParamDict | List[Param | ParamDict | List[PDValue]]] | dict[str, bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[bool | str | int | float | Enum | UUID | dict | List[RawPDValue]]], rtol: float = 1e-05, atol: float = 1e-08) bool#

Check if two ParamDicts or RawParamDicts are close.