class, conf, prefix=None)#

PulseStreamer with DAQ trigger extension.

This class enables software trigger (trigger() method) even when trigger_type is set TriggerType.HARDWARE_RISING or TriggerType.HARDWARE_FALLING. This is achieved by a little hardware modification. You have to prepare logic 2-input AND / OR / NAND / NOR gate (something like 74LS08, 74LS32 etc.), and connect as follows:

  • Input1: DAQ Digital I/O line (specified by conf[“do_line”])

  • Input2: Trigger source of a hardware.

  • Output: “Trigger In” connector of PulseStreamer.

Since the objective of this modification is to make logical or, the recommended selection of gate circuit and conf[“idle_logic”] depends on the logic polarity of your trigger source (Input2). The selection would be as follows.

If trigger source (Input2) is positive logic (active high):

  • logic gate: OR / NOR.

  • conf[“idle_logic”]: False.

If trigger source (Input2) is negative logic (active low):

  • logic gate: AND / NAND.

  • conf[“idle_logic”]: True.

  • do_line (str) – DAQ line for DigitalOut

  • idle_logic (bool) – Idle state for DigitalOut. True (False) for High (Low).

__init__(name, conf, prefix=None)#


__init__(name, conf[, prefix])



Close instrument resources.

configure_blocks(blocks, freq[, ...])

Make sequence from blocks.


issue a software trigger or hardware trigger from DAQ DO.