
class mahos.inst.daq.ClockSource(name, conf, prefix=None)#

A configurable DAQ Task class to provide a clock source.

Note that retriggerable trigger is supported only on 63xx series devices.

  • counter (str) – DAQ’s counter name.

  • freq (float) – Clock frequency.

  • samples (int) – Number of samples for finite clock generation. For infinite case, this value is used to estimate buffer size.

  • duty (float) – (default: 0.5) Duty ratio of the clock.

  • finite (bool) – (default: True) If True, generate finite clock pulse train.

  • idle_state (bool) – (default: False) Set True (False) for the idle to H (L) logic level.

  • initial_delay (float) – (default: 0.0) Initial delay before starting clock output.

  • trigger_source (str) – DAQ terminal name for start trigger. Trigger is disabled if not given.

  • trigger_dir (bool) – (default: True) Set True (False) for rising (falling) edge trigger.

  • retriggerable (bool) – (default: True) Set True to enable retriggerable mode.

__init__(name, conf, prefix=None)#


__init__(name, conf[, prefix])

configure(params[, label])

Configure the instrument settings.

get(key[, args, label])

Get an instrument setting or measurement data.
