
class mahos.inst.daq.AnalogIn(name, conf=None, prefix=None)#

A configurable DAQ Task class for Analog Input voltage channel.

This class supports buffered clock-mode and on-demand-mode. In clock-mode, readings are synchronized to a clock, buffered, and read at each cb_samples. In on-demand-mode, data are read on get(“data”) request.

  • lines (list[str]) – list of strings to designate DAQ’s physical channels.

  • queue_size (int) – (default: 10000) Software buffer (queue) size for acquired data.

  • silent (bool) – (default: False) Enable silent mode. Don’t message warning on queue overflow.

  • clock_mode (bool) – If True (False), configures as clock-mode (on-demand-mode).

  • bounds (list[tuple[float, float]]) – bounds (min, max) values of the expected input voltages per channels.

  • clock (str) – DAQ terminal for clock.

  • cb_samples (int) – The number of samples for each callback.

  • samples (int) – The number of samples. In infinite mode (finite=False), this is used for automatic buffer allocation.

  • buffer_size (int | None) – The input buffer size. If not given, buffer size is not set manually (automatic buffer allocation is used).

  • rate (float) – (default: 10000.0) Estimated sampling rate.

  • clock_dir (bool) – (default: True) True (False) for rising (falling) edge clock.

  • finite (bool) – (default: True) Switch if finite mode or infinite mode.

  • every (bool) – (default: False) Switch if every1 mode or not.

  • stamp (bool) – (default: False) Attach timestamp for each samples.

  • drop_first (int) – (default: 0) drop the data on first N callbacks.

  • oversample (int) – (default: 1) cb_samples, samples, and buffer_size are multiplied by oversample, and everyN_handler is passed mean of oversample readings.

Finite or Infinite mode#

In finite mode (finite=True), task is finished with samples. In inifinite mode (finite=False), task continues infinitely but it can be stopped by stop().

On some device, we cannot call EveryNCallBack at arbitrary cb_samples in infinite mode. (For example, buffer size must be even integer multiple of cb_samples.) Setting buffer_size explicitly, or every=True may resolve such a situation.

Callback handlers#

You’d pass three callback handler functions: every1_handler, everyN_handler, and done_handler. If every1 mode (every=True), EveryNCallBack is called with N=1 regardress of cb_samples. And every1_handler is called at each callbacks. EveryNCallBack aquires data and call everyN_handler at each cb_samples callbacks. If every1 mode is inactive (every=False), EveryNCallBack is called after acquiring cb_samples, and everyN_handler is called for each callback. In this mode every1_handler is never called.

__init__(name, conf=None, prefix=None)#


__init__(name[, conf, prefix])

configure(params[, label])

Configure the instrument settings.



get(key[, args, label])

Get an instrument setting or measurement data.



Get current transfer mechanism of channel.



Get all data from buffer as list.


Get all data from buffer as list.


Get data from buffer.


Get data from buffer.


Read out analog voltages on demand.


set_data_transfer(channel, mode)

Set current transfer mechanism of channel.