- class mahos.meas.spodmr.SPODMR(gconf: dict, name, context=None)#
- __init__(gconf: dict, name, context=None)#
Pulse ODMR measurement with Slow detectors.
Default Worker (Pulser) implements Pulse ODMR using a PG as timing source, and SGs as MW sources.
- Parameters:
pulser.quick_resume (bool) – default value of quick_resume. If True, it skips instrument configurations on resume.
pulser.mw_modes (tuple[int]) – mw phase control modes for each channel. 0 is 4-phase control using IQ modulation at SG and a switch. 1 is 2-phase control using external 90-deg splitter and two switches. 2 is arbitral phase control using IQ modulation at SG (Analog output (AWG) is required for PG).
pulser.iq_amplitude (float) – (only for mw_mode 2) amplitude of analog IQ signal in V.
pulser.pd_trigger (str) – DAQ terminal name for PD trigger.
pulser.trigger_width (float) – (default: 1e-6) pulse width for PD trigger
pulser.split_fraction (int) – (default: 4) fraction factor (F) to split the free period for MW phase modulation. the period (T) is split into (T // F, T - T // F) and MW phase is switched at T // F. Thus, larger F results in “quicker start” of the phase modulation (depending on hardware, but its response may be a bit slow).
pulser.pg_freq (float) – pulse generator frequency (has preset)
pulser.reduce_start_divisor (int) – (has preset) the divisor on start of reducing frequency reduce is done first by this value, and then repeated by 10.
pulser.minimum_block_length (int) – (has preset) minimum block length in generated blocks
pulser.block_base (int) – (has preset) block base granularity of pulse generator.
pulser.nest_blockseq (bool) – (has preset, default: False) allow nested BlockSeq.
pulser.channel_remap (dict[str | int, str | int]) – mapping to fix default channel names.
fitter.rabi.c (float) – default value of param “c” (base line) in RabiFitter. You can set the bounds using “c_min” and “c_max” too.
fitter.rabi.A (float) – default value of param “A” (amplitude) in RabiFitter. You can set the bounds using “A_min” and “A_max” too.
(gconf, name[, context])Pulse ODMR measurement with Slow detectors.
(msg)Change state to msg.state.
()Close custom resources.
(msg)Export data.
(msg)Get parameter dict.
(msg)Get parameter dict labels.
(msg)Handle Request other than basic requests.
(msg)Load data.
()Main procedure that will be looped.
(msg)Save data.
(msg)Update the plot params.
(msg)Validate the measurement params.
()Wait until required resources are ready.