Tutorial 2: Basic Measurement#

In this tutorial chapter, we will learn how basic measurement system is constructed on mahos (with mock instruments).


Before starting this, install the library and dependencies.

It is recommended to finish Tutorial 1: Communication before this.

Find the examples/ivcurve directory in the mahos repository. We will use the files in it for this tutorial. You can copy this directory to somewhere in your computer if you want.

Running the mock#

Run all the nodes defined in our conf.toml by command mahos launch. You will see a GUI window popping out. If you click the Start button, some noisy line (IV curve) is plotted and updated. This is our mock for IV curve measurement.

The IV curve measurement is illustrated by the figure below. We have two instruments source (Voltage Source) and meter (Current meter) to measure IV characteristics of DUT (Device Under Test).

Schematic of IV curve measurement

Schematic of IV curve measurement#

Visualizing config#

Let’s analyze below what’s happening behind the scenes. First, try visualizing our nodes by mahos graph, and you will see a graph below.

Node graph for IV curve

Node graph for IV curve#

As visualized, the config file defines four nodes. We will go through these from bottom to top (from top to bottom in conf.toml).

The topmost group in conf.toml is named global. This is special group to define the default value for all the nodes. If the same key is defined for a node, the global value is just ignored. Otherwise, the global value is used. (The behaviour is similar to local and global variable in some programming languages.)


The second group is named localhost.log. It is important to observe the log messages for the debugging or monitoring. Since mahos adopted a distributed system, the sources of logs (i.e., nodes) are running on multiple processes. In order to sort out the distributed logs, it seems good to gather the logs to single node, and then redistribute. The LogBroker is implemented for this purpose.

It is highly recommended to define a log in conf.toml, as in the file for this tutorial. You can see arrows labeled log are coming from server and ivcurve to the log node in the graph. These arrows are corresponding to Line 15 and Line 37-38 in conf.toml.

(In Tutorial 1: Communication, we have omitted this and used dummy loggers.)


The server (InstrumentServer) is defined as below.

13module = "mahos.inst.server"
14class = "InstrumentServer"
15target = { log = "localhost::log" }
16log_level = "DEBUG"
17rep_endpoint = "tcp://"
18pub_endpoint = "tcp://"
21module = "instruments"
22class = "VoltageSource_mock"
24resource = "VISA::DUMMY0"
27module = "instruments"
28class = "Multimeter_mock"
30resource = "VISA::DUMMY1"

InstrumentServer is the node for inst layer to provide RPC for instrument drivers. Thus, you don’t need to write a node for this purpose; you write instrument driver classes (Instrument) instead. The second group above [localhost.server.instrument.source] defines an instrument source inside the server. The VoltageSource_mock is an example of Instrument class here.

 9class VoltageSource_mock(Instrument):
10    def __init__(self, name, conf, prefix=None):
11        Instrument.__init__(self, name, conf=conf, prefix=prefix)
13        self.check_required_conf(["resource"])
14        resource = self.conf["resource"]
15        self.logger.info(f"Open VoltageSource at {resource}.")
17    def set_output(self, on: bool) -> bool:
18        self.logger.info("Set output " + ("on" if on else "off"))
19        return True
21    def set_voltage(self, volt: float) -> bool:
22        self.logger.debug(f"Dummy voltage {volt:.3f} V")
23        return True
25    # Standard API
27    def start(self, label: str = "") -> bool:
28        return self.set_output(True)
30    def stop(self, label: str = "") -> bool:
31        return self.set_output(False)
33    def set(self, key: str, value=None, label: str = "") -> bool:
34        if key == "volt":
35            return self.set_voltage(value)
36        else:
37            self.logger.error(f"Unknown set() key: {key}")
38            return False

As the name suggests, this class is just a mock and doesn’t consume any external resources. However, a real instrument usually requires a resource identifier for communication (VISA resource, IP Address, DLL path, etc.), and we have included how to pass such a configuration to an Instrument. We define a configuration dictionary (conf) as Line 23-24 in conf.toml. This is passed to Instrument and referred by self.conf (Line 14). Line 13 uses a utility method to check existence of required key.

Only two functions of voltage source are implemented: set_output() and set_voltage(). Meanings of these may be obvious. We assume an output relay for voltage source, that is turned on/off by set_output(). The output voltage can be set by set_voltage().

Line 27 and below makes these adapted to the Standard Instrument APIs. The set_output() is wrapped by start and stop. And set_voltage() is by set. Note that most of the Standard Instrument APIs (excepting get) must return bool (True on success).

In Standard Instrument APIs, set, get, and configure accept some arguments and the type information of the arguments are lost (function signature of e.g. set_voltage() cannot be seen from the client). We can define InstrumentInterface to recover this, as below. This procedure looks like a duplication of effort, but the positive side is that we can define an explicit interface (which method is exported and which is not, as in static programming languages).

79class VoltageSourceInterface(InstrumentInterface):
80    def set_voltage(self, volt: float) -> bool:
81        """Set the output voltage."""
83        return self.set("volt", volt)

Let’s interact with the server. Launch server and log with mahos launch log server. In the second terminal, mahos log to print the logs. And mahos shell server to start IPython shell for server.

There are two ways to call the functions:

# Method1: raw client calls
cli.set("source", "volt", 12.3)

# Method2: call through interface
from instruments import VoltageSourceInterface
source = VoltageSouraceInterface(cli, "source")


ivcurve is in the second layer (meas layer): core measurement logic. We have defined ivcurve in the config as below.

33module = "ivcurve"
34class = "IVCurve"
35rep_endpoint = "tcp://"
36pub_endpoint = "tcp://"
38log = "localhost::log"
40source = "localhost::server"
41meter = "localhost::server"

Line 40-41 tells us that we need instruments source and meter (both on localhost::server) for this measurement.

Operating from shell or script#

Before looking into the code, let’s run and interact with the ivcurve. Launch nodes with mahos launch log server ivcurve. In the second terminal, mahos log to print the logs. And mahos shell ivcurve to start IPython shell for ivcurve. The ivcurve measurement can be performed by following snippet.

params = cli.get_param_dict()
data = cli.get_data()

Here, get_data() returns IVCurveData defined in ivcurve_msgs.py, and data.data is the measurement result: a 2D numpy array of shape (number of voltage points (params[“num”]), number of sweeps).

For a bit more meaningful application, try executing file measure_and_plot.py and understanding it. cli.get_param_dict() returns a ParamDict, str-keyed dict of Param. Param is wrapper of basic (mostly builtin) types with default value, bounds (for int or float), etc. You can set values of parameters by set() and pass it to cli.start() as in measure_and_plot.py.

Reading IVCurve node#

What happens at ivcurve node side? Look at implementation of IVCurve node in ivcurve.py. IVCurve is subclass of BasicMeasNode, which is a convenient Node implementation for simple measurement nodes. We explain how this node works by following main() method line by line.

172def main(self):
173    self.poll()
174    publish_data = self._work()
175    self._check_finished()
176    self._publish(publish_data)

First line of main() (Line 173) calls poll(). Here, this node checks incoming requests, and if there is a request, the handler is called. The handler is implemented in BasicMeasNode (read the implementation if you are interested in) and it calls change_state() or get_param_dict() [1] according to the request.

When cli.get_param_dict() is called, request is sent to ivcurve and the result of IVCurve.get_param_dict() is returned. The result of this method is hard-coded here; however, the parameter bounds may be determined by instruments for real application.

By observing change_state(), you will see that this node has explicit state: BinaryState.IDLE or BinaryState.ACTIVE. All measurement nodes are advised to have explicit state like this, and BinaryState is the most simplest case. cli.start() is a shorthand of change_state(ACTIVE), and cli.stop() is change_state(IDLE). When state is changing from IDLE to ACTIVE, self.sweeper.start() is called. self.sweeper is an instance of Sweeper class, that communicates with the server and do real jobs.

At the second line of main() (Line 174), through _work(), self.sweeper.work() is called. A sweep measurement for IV curve is done there; source is used to apply voltage and the current is read by meter.

The third line of main() (Line 175) checks if we can finish the measurement. Measurement is finished when params["sweeps"] is positive and the sweeps have already been repeated params["sweeps"] times (see Sweeper.is_finished()).

By final line of main() (Line 176), the node status and data are published.


The ivcurve_gui, a GUI frontend of ivcurve, is defined at the last group in conf.toml. The class IVCurveGUI is in ivcurve_gui.py. This is what we were operating in Running the mock.

Let’s launch all the nodes by mahos launch and confirm GUI is working. Then, start the IPython shell with mahos shell ivcurve and send start or stop requests. Furthermore, try running measure_and_plot.py script (stop the measurement before running). It is quite important that we can operate the measurement from both the GUI and programs (shell, or a custom script). This extensibility is one of the advantages of the distributed systems.

If you have experience in Qt (PyQt) programming, let’s take a look at ivcurve_gui.py. The GUI component (IVCurveWidget) is composed quite simply by virtue of QBasicMeasClient. This class is Qt-version of BasicMeasClient and emits Qt signal on reception of subscribed messages. In other words, it translates MAHOS communication into Qt communication (signal-slot). All we have to do for widget implementation is connecting the signals to slots updating the GUI state (Line 102-103) and sending requests (Line 124-136).

There is a bit special custom on initialization (init_with_status()). We cannot initialize the GUI completely without the target node (ivcurve) because we have to know the target’s status (by get_param_dict() for example). But we are not sure if the target node is up when GUI starts. To assure this point, we first disable the widget (Line 29) and connect statusUpdate event to init_with_status() (Line 26). When the first status message arrives, this method is fired and remaining initializations are done. The widget is enabled finally at Line 105. This method is called only once because the signal is disconnect at Line 79.


TODO: explain overlay case conf_overlay.toml, overlay.py, and ivcurve_overlay.py.


TODO: explain threading case conf_thread.toml and conf_thread_partial.toml.
