Tutorial 3: Manual Operation#


This tutorial document is incomplete, however, the example code works fine.

In this tutorial chapter, we will learn basic usage and construction of manually-operated instruments.


Before starting this, install the library and dependencies.

It is recommended to finish Tutorial 1: Communication and Tutorial 2: Basic Measurement before this.

Find the examples/manual_op directory in the mahos repository. We will use the files in it for this tutorial. You can copy this directory to somewhere in your computer if you want.

Running the mock#

In a terminal, mahos log to show log messages. In another terminal, run all the nodes defined in our conf.toml by command mahos launch. You will see two GUI windows popping out. These windows correspond to generic measurement nodes. One is Tweaker for manual-tuning of instrument parameters. Another is Recorder for simple time-series data collection.


TODO: explain Tweaker.

To use Tweaker, instrument must provide ParamDict-based interface, which is the counterpart to InstrumentInterface explaned in Tutorial 2: Basic Measurement.


TODO: explain Recorder.