Tutorial 1: Communication ========================= In this tutorial chapter, we will learn basic concepts about inter-process communication on mahos. Preparation ----------- Before starting this, :doc:`install ` the library and dependencies. Then, find the ``examples/comm`` directory in the mahos repository. We will use four files (``conf.toml``, ``nodes.py``, ``print_clock.py``, and ``multipy_numbers.py``) in it for this tutorial. You can copy this directory to somewhere in your computer if you want. Pub-Sub ------- We will learn two types of comminucation methods. First one here is Pub-Sub (Publish-Subscribe). This is asynchronous, one-to-many data distribution. Let's run a data-publishing node named clock by a command ``mahos run clock``. And in another terminal, subscribe to and print the published message by a command ``mahos echo -t time clock``. It is successful if you see something like below in the second terminal. .. code-block:: Subscribing to time of localhost::clock (config file: conf.toml). 2023-02-16 16:30:49 2023-02-16 16:30:50 2023-02-16 16:30:51 You can test one-to-many communication by repeating ``mahos echo -t time clock`` in another terminal, where you'd see the same output. Hit Ctrl-C in the terminals to stop them. Let's see what was happening here. The first command ``mahos run clock`` was abbreviated form of ``mahos run -c conf.toml -H localhost clock`` or ``mahos run -c conf.toml localhost::clock``. ``localhost`` is a hostname (computer name). This will be important for multi-computer configuration, but let's think it is always localhost because we are on single-computer during this tutorial. ``conf.toml`` is the name of configuration file (``conf.toml`` is the default name and can be omitted in the command), which defines what the node ``clock`` is, like below. .. code-block:: toml :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 :caption: conf.toml [localhost.clock] module = "nodes" class = "Clock" pub_endpoint = "tcp://" Line 1 defines the group in form ``[.]``; we are defining node named `clock` on host `localhost`. The `module` and `class` (Line 2 and 3) assigns Python module (any importable module) and class names that defines the node. The `pub_endpoint` is the endpoint for Pub-Sub communication. Let's find the node implementation: ``Clock`` class defined in module nodes (file ``nodes.py``). .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 13 :caption: nodes.py class ClockClient(NodeClient): def __init__(self, gconf: dict, name: NodeName, context=None, prefix=None): NodeClient.__init__(self, gconf, name, context=context, prefix=prefix) self.get_time = self.add_sub(["time"])[0] class Clock(Node): CLIENT = ClockClient def __init__(self, gconf: dict, name: NodeName, context=None): Node.__init__(self, gconf, name, context=context) self.time_pub = self.add_pub("time") self.interval = IntervalSleeper(1.0) def main(self): self.interval.sleep() dt = datetime.datetime.now() self.time_pub.publish(dt.strftime("%F %T")) As we can see, Clock is a subclass of Node and a few things are implemented. Work is done by a :class:`Publisher ` initialized in Line 26, which is used to publish the formatted time in the main loop (Line 32). The publisher is initialized with a topic (label for the messages) `time`. Note that the type of the topic must be ASCII str (or bytes). "You said main loop but I don't see any `for` or `while`" ? The loop is implemented elsewhere and automatically incorporated when using ``mahos run`` command. We always define `the contents of main loop` as the ``main()`` function. IntervalSleeper regulates the loop interval to 1.0 secs (rate of 1 Hz). Although :class:`Publisher ` can send any picklable Python object (we are sending str now), the dedicated types can be used for serious applications (see :mod:`mahos.msgs.common_msgs`). Corresponding NodeClient ``ClockClient`` is defined above, and this is referenced as a class variable ``CLIENT`` in Clock. This is used to look up the client class from config file. Implementation of ClockClient is even simpler; it just registers a subscriber for `time`. See file ``print_clock.py`` to see how to use the client from a custom script. Req-Rep ------- Req-Rep (Request-Reply) is the second way of the node communication. This is synchronous :term:`RPC`. Let's run a node `multiplier`, and start a IPython shell by a command ``mahos shell multiplier``. In the IPython shell, use ``cli.multiply(2, 3)`` to multiply the numbers. It is successful if you get correct answer 6, and see a log message in the terminal running the node. ``cli`` is a MultiplierClient (defined as below) in the IPython shell. Obviously, ``MultiplierClient`` registers a :class:`Requester ` (Line 39) and using in the ``multiply()`` method (Line 42). By calling :meth:`Requester.request `, a request is sent from the client to serving node, and the response is returned. The ``Multiplier`` node defines how the request is handled. A handler method ``handle_multiply`` is registered in Line 51. This method does the calculation, send a log message, and return the answer (Line 55-57). .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 35 :caption: nodes.py class MultiplierClient(NodeClient): def __init__(self, gconf: dict, name: NodeName, context=None, prefix=None): NodeClient.__init__(self, gconf, name, context=context, prefix=prefix) self.req = self.add_req(gconf) def multiply(self, a: int, b: int) -> int: return self.req.request((a, b)) class Multiplier(Node): CLIENT = MultiplierClient def __init__(self, gconf: dict, name: NodeName, context=None): Node.__init__(self, gconf, name, context=context) self.add_rep(self.handle_multiply) def handle_multiply(self, req: tuple[int, int]) -> int: a, b = req rep = a * b self.logger.info(f"{a} * {b} = {rep}") return rep See file ``multiply_numbers.py`` to see how to use the client from a custom script. Exercise -------- The Node classes ``A`` and ``B`` are defined in ``nodes.py``. See the definitions, run both nodes, and interact with them. What happens by calling ``cli.set_data()``? Further Reading --------------- * :doc:`arch_node` * `zguide `_ : The Guide for ZeroMQ library (used for node communication).