Installation ============ Steps to install mahos: #. Check the `System requirements`_. #. `Create virtualenv`_ (this is optional, but recommended). #. `Clone the repository`_. #. Install `Optional requirements`_. #. Install `The mahos package`_ (and requirements). System requirements ------------------- You need Python (>= 3.10, < 3.13) on Windows or Linux, and prerequisites for C extensions (see below). For C extensions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On Windows, you have to download and install the C++ compiler `Microsoft C++ Build Tools `_ in order to build the C extensions. You can skip this if you have already installed Visual Studio on your computer. On Linux, install ``gcc`` and the dev-package for Python3. The ``gcc`` is installed by default on many distros. For the latter, try ``sudo apt install python3-dev`` on Debian-based distros or ``sudo yum install python3-devel`` on RHEL-like distros. Create virtualenv ----------------- `Virtualenv `_ is the recommended tool for virtual environment management. Skip this section if you prefer one of the following alternatives. - You could install the requirements and the mahos package with your system Python. - You could use ``conda`` or other virtual environment management tools too. ``virtualenv`` is installable via ``pip``. :: pip install virtualenv If ``virtualenv`` command is not found by your shell, add the directory containing ``virtualenv`` to environment variable PATH. The pip-installed executable is usually placed on the directory below, but you should confirm that by pip's warning message on installation. - ``%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python3X\Scripts`` or ``%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python3X\Scripts`` for Windows - ``~/.local/bin`` for Linux For some packages which are not quite straightforward to install via pip (OpenCV etc.), we recommend to enable system-site-packages. .. code-block:: bash virtualenv mahos -p --system-site-packages Small notes on virtualenv usage: - activate: ``source /bin/activate`` or ``source /Scripts/activate`` - deactivate: ``deactivate`` Following contents assume that the virtualenv has already been activated. Clone the repository -------------------- Use git to clone the mahos repository. Following commands clone it to local directory `/mahos`. We call this directory the `repository directory`. - ``cd `` [#f1]_ - ``git clone`` Optional requirements --------------------- There are some optional requirements installation of which is not quite straightforward. If you want to install them, follow instructions in the subsections below. Graphviz ^^^^^^^^ You need `Graphviz `_ for :ref:`mahos graph` command. You can skip this if you don't need :ref:`mahos graph` command. See `pygraphviz documentation `_ for details. Windows ....... You have to install the `C++ compiler `_ and the `graphviz binary `_ (version 2). And then, use following command to install pygraphviz. .. code-block:: bash pip install --use-pep517 --config-settings="--global-option=build_ext" --config-settings="--global-option=-IC:\Program Files\Graphviz\include" --config-settings="--global-option=-LC:\Program Files\Graphviz\lib" pygraphviz Linux ..... You can install the graphviz with package manager (e.g. ``sudo apt install graphviz libgraphviz-dev`` for Ubuntu/Debian), and then ``pip install pygraphviz``. OpenCV ^^^^^^ To use full-features of image analysis modules, install OpenCV (>= 3.0.0) with Python binding. There are several methods to install this, and the easiest are following. - Windows: ``pip install opencv-python`` to install CPU-only binary - Linux: the pre-compiled package (e.g. ``sudo apt install python3-opencv`` for Ubuntu/Debian) The mahos package ----------------- In the mahos `repository directory`, ``pip install -e .`` Here, -e (editable) is optional but recommended. Basic requirements in ``requirements.txt`` are installed by this command. Inst requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are additional requirements for instrument drivers in ``inst-requirements.txt``. - You can install all of them by ``pip install -e .[inst]`` or ``pip install -r inst-requirements.txt`` - If you don't want to install unnecessary packages, manually pick and install what you need. Test ---- To check if installation is successful, run test with ``pytest``. Notes ----- PyQt6 ^^^^^ The PyQt6 fails if you have `PyQt6` package inside the virtual environment, but dependencies (`PyQt6-sip` and `PyQt6-Qt6`) outside. Check the locations of these three packages if PyQt6 is going wrong. To resolve the situation, try one of the following. To install things `outside` the virtual environment: .. code-block:: bash # assuming you are inside the virtual environment here pip uninstall PyQt6 PyQt6-sip PyQt6-Qt6 deactivate pip install PyQt6 To install things `inside` the virtual environment: .. code-block:: bash # assuming you are inside the virtual environment here deactivate pip uninstall PyQt6 PyQt6-sip PyQt6-Qt6 source /bin/activate # or source /Scripts/activate pip install PyQt6 Qt tools on Ubuntu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install Qt6 tools for development on Ubuntu 22.04. :: sudo apt install qt6-tools-dev assistant-qt6 designer-qt6 .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] substitute with your preference.