Glossary ======== .. currentmodule:: mahos .. glossary:: node Node is a program which is a part of distributed system. Implemented as a subclass of :class:`Node ` or :class:`GUINode `. client node client Interface to :term:`node`'s functions. Implemented as a subclass of :class:`NodeClient `. conf Configuration (dict) for something. Difference between params: conf is considered static (won't change run time). params Parameters (dict) for something. Difference between conf: params is considered dynamic (will change run time). gparams global params A dict with global parameters which is handled by :class:`GlobalParams `. Req-Rep Request-Reply communication pattern. The client sends a request and the server sends back a reply. RPC abbreviation of Remote Procedure Call. Req-Rep pattern is a typical RPC. Pub-Sub Publish-Subscribe communication pattern. One-to-many data distribution. status Messages expressing the node's status. Implemented as a subclass of :class:`Status `. Usually published as topic `status`. state Node can have explicit state. If so, it is implemented as a subclass of :class:`State ` and usually contained as a attribute of :term:`status`.