Configuration file ================== To use mahos system, you have to prepare a toml configuration file. One good way to get used to this concept may be going through the :doc:`tutorial`. Here, we put the configuration file for :doc:`tutorial_ivcurve`. .. code-block:: toml :linenos: :caption: conf.toml [global] req_timeout_ms = 60000 poll_timeout_ms = 100 [localhost.log] module = "mahos.node.log_broker" class = "LogBroker" target = { log = "localhost::log" } xpub_endpoint = "tcp://" xsub_endpoint = "tcp://" [localhost.server] module = "mahos.inst.server" class = "InstrumentServer" target = { log = "localhost::log" } log_level = "DEBUG" rep_endpoint = "tcp://" pub_endpoint = "tcp://" [localhost.server.instrument.source] module = "instruments" class = "VoltageSource_mock" [localhost.server.instrument.source.conf] resource = "VISA::DUMMY0" [localhost.server.instrument.meter] module = "instruments" class = "Multimeter_mock" [localhost.server.instrument.meter.conf] resource = "VISA::DUMMY1" [localhost.ivcurve] module = "ivcurve" class = "IVCurve" rep_endpoint = "tcp://" pub_endpoint = "tcp://" [] log = "localhost::log" [] source = "localhost::server" meter = "localhost::server" [localhost.ivcurve_gui] module = "ivcurve_gui" class = "IVCurveGUI" [] ivcurve = "localhost::ivcurve" This configuration file is visualized as graph below. .. figure:: ./img/ivcurve-nodes.svg :alt: Node graph for IVCurve :width: 30% Node graph for IVCurve TODO: explain detailed spec. of the configuration file.